18 March 2009

A boy can learn a lot from a dog: obedience, loyalty, and the importance of turning around three times before lying down.


Prissy can be quite a handful sometimes. I love her dearly and she is so darn cute, but lets face it, she has behavioral issues. lol I dont want everyone to think of her as a brat and most importantly, I need help for when we get to Columbia for good. (Especially because we will probably be in a stinkin apartment!) So, today we had a free consultation with Man's Best Friend to see what kind of dog obedience training they offer and if it would help my Basset baby. :)

The lady we met with was very nice and her family actually owned MBF! The Obedience Training and Behavioral Problem Solving focuses on teaching basic obedience commands: sit, stay, down, heel and come. They also address behavioral problems such as housebreaking, chewing, barking, jumping and running out open doors. It is a 2 week boarding where they will build communication skills and teach her right from wrong. After that they will train me and then we will have 4 more follow-up days to make sure everything is going well with her training.

The price for this training is steep but well worth it if we can get her to listen better, not have accidents in the house, no more jumping on everyone as they come through the gate, and quit that loud, obnoxious barking. Oh, not to mention.....wait for it......they are offering a 50% military discount right now! WOOHOO! So, now its time to discuss this with John and hopefully get her into training! :) I cant believe my dog might be able to go for a walk without a leash! Lets hope they can work miracles like the reviews say!

07 March 2009

100 days!

Check out my ticker!!! Yes, you are seeing that right! Its been 100 days since I kissed my love goodbye! I cant believe its been that long already! (Well, sometimes it seems like F-O-R-E-V-E-R) I hope the next 4 months fly by! Just wanted to share my excitement with everyone! Hope you all are doing fantastic!

06 March 2009

New Addition to the Brown Family

Ive had to bite my tongue for some time now, but I can finally say that my little brother is getting married!!! YAY! We welcome Blair with arms wide open as she and Trey seem to be very much in love. She is a very sweet girl and Im excited to have another sister in law! I am also extremely happy for Trey as he is the happiest and most motivated that I have ever seen him. I guess we will have to quit secretly referring to him as "failure to launch". :) (Shhh, dont let him know we called him that!)

The wedding will be this July so they are diligently working to make their special day perfect. Lets just say that June and July are going to be very busy!!! I guess we wouldnt have it any other way!